When I was a kid, my dad used to send me off to the corner store with a dollar and a list of items. And then he’d tell me when I came back that he had forgotten one item on the list. I never understood why he would do this.
The only explanation I could think of was that he thought it was funny to see how long I could keep going before I forgot something. The longer I went without forgetting an item, the more impressed he seemed. It just didn’t make any sense to me. But now I can relate.
I’ve recently been designing custom t-shirts for autism awareness and awareness campaigns (like Autism Speaks). And I’m going through the same thing — forgetting something. My brain is working overtime thinking about what’s going to happen next. I think about all the possible scenarios with every word in the sentence that could be the last thing I say. I try to anticipate everything that could go wrong and plan for it. This isn’t just because I have autism; it’s true for everybody (even non-autistic people) who are dealing with something unexpected or unusual.
But if you’re like me and you forget things, you’ll want to design your own custom t-shirt. There are dozens of websites out there that offer custom t-shirts and other products. Some sites allow you to upload your own designs. Others will take your design and print them up for you. But some sites don’t let you add images at all. It’s really hard to design a great t-shirt from scratch (or even edit one that someone else designed), so I recommend finding a site that lets you create your own design.
One such site is Printful.com. Printful offers hundreds of thousands of pre-designed t-shirts and hoodies. You can choose from a variety of styles, including American Apparel shirts, Vans, and American Eagle. If you’re looking for something different, you can even upload your own art. They also offer several options for printing and shipping.
A person can plan to be on the platform that will give him with the shirts for people on the autism spectrum. In the long run the option will give the favorable results. A person can plan to generate the income with favorable results. The results of the shirt will be best as per the requirement.
To get started, just click “Create a new project” in the top right of their homepage. Then type in whatever name you want for the project. Once you’re done, click on “Select Files” and browse through your computer for the image files you want to use. When you find the file, drag it onto the page to upload it. Next, click on “Choose your style.” If you’re not sure which style you want, you can always change it later. Finally, hit “Continue” to start creating your design.
Once your design is complete, you can preview it by clicking on “Preview Design”. Or, if you don’t like it, you can hit “Edit” and make changes until you’re happy with it. Then hit “Save & Continue”.
After you save your design, you will be taken to a page where you can select your size and quantities. You can choose between short sleeves or long sleeves. Long sleeves are nice if you have long hair. Short sleeves are better if you want to show off your tattoos. To customize your shirt, simply check off the sizes you need. In addition to the standard small/medium/large, you can also select extra large, 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x. If you’re ordering multiple shirts, you can enter the quantity of each size.
You can also customize the color of your shirt. Just head over to “Color Options” under “Settings” and pick whichever colors you want. If you’re ordering multiple shirts, you can just repeat the selection process as many times as necessary.
Finally, on the “Printing Information” screen, you can view important details about how your order will be printed, shipped, and delivered. For example, you can choose whether or not you want to include a label, set the number of days you’d like the order to arrive, or choose between free shipping or expedited shipping. You’ll also see information about the paper types they use.
If you’re still having trouble deciding which company to use, I highly suggest checking out reviews online. Many companies will advertise themselves as being high quality and trustworthy, but if you look around, you may find out that they aren’t very reputable at all. That’s why I recommend using sites like Printful, since they actually sell shirts instead of just making them available for download.
Once you decide which company you want to work with, you can either finish the ordering process yourself or ask them to help you. Either way, you should receive your order within 24 hours. After you place your order, they will send you a confirmation email and provide instructions on how to track it.
Customizing your t-shirt is a lot easier than I expected it to be. You’ll be able to find dozens of designs if you search online. So if you’re interested in adding a special message to your t-shirt, you won’t need to worry about forgetting anything.
And if you ever run into problems while you’re designing your shirt, you might want to consider taking advantage of the customer service provided by the website. I’ve found that most people are willing to help you out, especially when you call them directly.