The Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis of Knock Knee

Youngsters are referred to as having knock knees (genu valgum) when their knees and ankles are split apart as they stand up straight. It’s normal for children to acquire knock knees as they get older and stronger. As a result, children from infancy through primary school often suffer from knock knees. Illnesses like these are seldom life-threatening, and most kids get well by the time they’re 7 or 8.

In what ways can you tell whether you’re suffering from knock-knees?

Most parents will notice if their kid’s knees are touching or if their youngster has long, stubby legs. It’s possible they’re worried that their child may make a mistake and be injured. Even though knock knees seldom cause pain, children’s knees may rub against one another when walking, causing discomfort.

Knock Knees: What Are the Roots?

Normal bone growth and development in youngsters occurs between the ages of two and four, and this may lead knees to bend inward.

Knock knees that appear after the age of 4 or worsen beyond that age may be the result of a health problem. Take, for example, this:

There is a possibility that a fracture that heals in one of the bones around the knee might cause the kneecap to rotate inward.

Rickets is a condition of bone formation that may be caused by a lack of vitamin D or calcium. Previously, this was a far more regular occurrence, but it has since faded away. This disease may be treated with vitamin D and calcium supplements.

  • Dysplasias, a set of abnormalities that may be present at birth in certain children, can have an influence on a child’s bone growth.
  • Because of obesity, bones may not grow as quickly as they normally would.
  • Malignant bone disease may cause one knee to bend inward.

Who Gets Knocked Knees the Most?

Most children’s knees lean inward to some extent. Typically, it gets better between the ages of seven and eight, when it’s a normal part of growing. Knock knees may be caused by a medical problem in certain youngsters. After the age of 6, if this is the case, it is more likely that the symptoms will continue to worsen rather than improve.

How are knock knees diagnosed?

Patients are examined and their medical histories are inquired about by medical professionals. Children under the age of four who seem healthy and have an equal degree of inward tilt in both of their legs will almost certainly not be subjected to any kind of examination or examination. If they see that the child’s knock knees become better as they get older, they’ll keep a watch on them.

You should take your kid to an orthopaedic doctor (a specialist in bones) if your child has any of the following symptoms:

None of this will happen on its own for the limbs

Either both knees bend inward equally, and one knee bends inward more than the other.

Additionally, the kid may be feeling pain, limping, weakness, or trouble in running because of the ailment.

An X-ray of a kid may be conducted to check for healed fractures or rickets, for example. If rickets is suspected, blood tests may be useful in determining a diagnosis. Choosing the knock knee correction exercises is essential there.

What are the options for treating knock knees?

Knocked-knee syndrome occurs in the majority of children as they grow and develop naturally. As the child grows older, the crookedness usually straightens itself on its own.